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Pod 6, The Engine Rooms, Station Road

01633 730907

For more than 10 years we have provided companies of all sizes and in a variety of sectors with uncomplicated, innovative and affordable human resources advice and on-site support ensuring that your people are an asset to your company and not a liability.



Making sure that you have the right people in the right positions at the right time ...

We can help you to find the right people for your business in a number of ways, not least by helping you to create effective job descriptions and recruitment advertisements and then help you select the right people by designing and leading competency based interview processes.

We are fully accredited by the British Psychological Society to use Level A (Aptitude, Ability and Skills Tests) and Level B (Personality Tests) and have a range of tests available to ensure the person you choose meets the requirements for the role. For more details of the tests available, take a look at our Psychometric Testing page.


Our support doesn't need to stop there. It's essential that new employees settle in and achieve their full potential as quickly as possible as not only will this benefit your business in terms of increased productivity and maximise the return on your investment, it will help your new employee to feel part of the team and be sure they made the right decision in joining. We can help you to develop an effective induction programme to achieve these objectives.