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Pod 6, The Engine Rooms, Station Road

01633 730907

For more than 10 years we have provided companies of all sizes and in a variety of sectors with uncomplicated, innovative and affordable human resources advice and on-site support ensuring that your people are an asset to your company and not a liability.


With the National Minimum Wage (NMW) now almost fifteen years old, and with another increase pending on 1st April 2017 HMRC have issued a list of the most elaborate excuses they've been given by employers for not paying the appropriate rates:

Seven Bad HR Habits ...

Alan Kitto

  1. Managers who don't follow procedures.
  2. Employees who want to record formal meetings.
  3. Employees who go off sick with stress when facing disciplinary allegations.
  4. Managers who fail to document poor performance.
  5. Who to allow to accompany an employee to a formal meeting.
  6. Not dealing properly with grievances.
  7. Panicing when someone gets pregnant.

Talk to us to about how to make sure these aren't problems in your business.